5 Tips on Finding a Wills Lawyer in Topeka, KS

by | Aug 30, 2016 | Lawyers

Finding a skilled estate planning attorney may seem daunting. However, with a bit of help, a potential client should be able to find the right legal representation. Below is a list of several resources to help clients find a wills lawyer in Topeka, KS.

Ask Friends, Family and Colleagues for Referrals

The biggest endorsement an attorney with the Debenham Law Office, LLC can receive is word-of-mouth from a satisfied client. Talk to acquaintances, friends and relatives, and ask for recommendations on estate planning attorneys. Even if the lawyer is not in the local area, it is possible to collaborate long-distance and get the right results.

Ask a Financial Advisor

Financial advisors can be a good source of information on finding a quality estate planning lawyer. Many of these professionals see estate planning as a critical component in clients’ financial goals, and they have multiple lawyers to recommend. If a financial advisor has not mentioned an estate plan, the client should ask for recommendations.

Consult an Accountant

Many estate planning attorneys work with accountants on trust, income tax and estate issues. Therefore, an accountant can likely recommend a local attorney because they have access to clients’ financial and family info. Clients can start by asking their accountants for recommendations on estate planning lawyers.

Ask Other Lawyers

Odds are, the client has worked with attorneys to buy a home, set up a business, or review a contract. Lawyers have extensive professional networks, and they are willing to make referrals if the client needs assistance in an unfamiliar area. Ask a local attorney who did their estate planning; if the work was satisfactory, the client is likely to get a good recommendation.

Consult the Local Probate Court

This may not work for those who live in large cities, but it may help in smaller areas. In small towns, court clerks know all the local lawyers, and they know which attorneys are easiest to work with. Due to the solid working relationships found in local courthouses, clients can get good recommendations for estate planning attorneys.

The list above should be viewed only as a starting point for those needing estate planning assistance. When clients follow these tips and conduct due diligence, they are likely to find the right wills lawyer in Topeka, KS.

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