When Should You Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer?

by | Oct 26, 2017 | Attorney

If you have sustained an injury in an accident, perhaps you slipped and fell in the supermarket, or you were injured in an automobile accident, the question will arise, “is it wise to consult with a personal injury lawyer?” The decision will be premised on the answers you give to a host of questions.

How serious is the injury?

Just because you were injured does not mean you should involve a lawyer. If the injury is minor and you do not expect any loss of time at work or significant medical expenses then it can be settled quite simply. If however, the injury is such that you continue to suffer for days and you have had to seek medical care and even hospitalization, then you are well advised to have your case evaluated by a personal injury attorney in Detroit. If it appears that your claim will be significant and may involve long-term expenses, then representation is necessary.

Was the accident caused by someone other than you?

If you have good reason to believe that your injuries are the result of a negligent act on the part of someone else or something else, it is important that you speak to a knowledgeable injury lawyer. Proving legal fault takes an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the law, something that a layperson will rarely have.

Is an insurance company in touch with you?

Do not be surprised when an insurance adjuster contacts you and asks for your statement, medical records, etc. Do not give them anything or tell them anything other than the fact that you will be contacting a personal injury lawyer in Detroit to deal with the matter. Insurance adjusters will try to get your statement that they will not hesitate to use against you at a later date. If you are contacted by an insurant adjuster this is a good indication that the company knows you have a valid claim.

If you have sustained an injury through no fault of your own you should consider hiring a seasoned personal injury lawyer in Detroit to ensure you maximize on your eventual award. For a free evaluation of your case contact website.

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