SSDI Attorneys in Stevens Point, WI: Know the Process, Get Your Benefits

by | Aug 7, 2018 | Lawyers and Law Firms

Some people believe that the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) process is rather simple and straightforward. You complete your application, submit it, and wait for your monthly benefit to arrive, right? This may be true in many cases, but don’t rush to conclusions until you’ve heard all the facts and gathered all the information you can. You may even consider talking to SSDI attorneys as part of your learning efforts.

What is SSDI?

It’s easy enough to explain the program as one that pays benefits monthly when people are no longer able to work because of an injury or illness that will likely last a year or end in death within a year. SSDI attorneys in Stevens Point, WI can help you gain a better understanding of this part of the Social Security program. Benefits you might receive are based on past earnings.

But this basic explanation does not cover all the situations that might fall under the SSDI banner. Statistics from the first 10 years of this century show that more than half of the SSDI applications submitted were denied the first time. This is where the need for an experienced attorney comes into the picture.

A Better Chance

If you work with experts such as those you’ll find at Duncan Disability Law S.C., you can improve the odds of your claim being approved. Accuracy and complete information on the initial application are essential to success, and your attorney can make sure the application meets the standards.

You may believe that your application is perfect, but SSDI attorneys may find “technical” issues that could disqualify you, even though they are in no way related to your medical condition or the fact that you’re disabled. You’d be wise to work with a skilled, experienced lawyer who has helped other clients get the benefits they deserve.You can also connect them on Facebook.

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