What Is a Lemon Law and Knowing Your Lemon Law Rights in Mississippi State

by | Nov 21, 2019 | Lawyers

Have you, or someone you know, ever purchased a vehicle that had non-stop problems with seemingly no end in sight? If so, it may be time to get familiar with Mississippi Lemon Laws to ensure that your vehicle is operating the way it should at all times.

What Is a “Lemon”?

A “lemon” is any vehicle purchased under a warranty that you’ve had for less than 12 months that incurs repetitive problems that keep the vehicle operating the way that it should. These are usually manufacturing flaws that keep the vehicle from serving its rightful purpose to the owner.

Why Are Lemon Laws Necessary?

Without proper laws in place, it is possible for manufacturers to take advantage of customers after they’ve produced a vehicle, or vehicles, that are lemons. Therefore, lemon laws protect you from wasting time, energy and money having to deal with a repetitively defective vehicle.

What Is the Mississippi Lemon Law?

Lemon Laws vary by state.

In Mississippi, in order for your vehicle to be covered under the lemon law, the following parameters must be met:

1. You must have had the vehicle in your possession for 12 months or less.
2. The vehicle must be covered under the manufacturer’s warranty.
3. Either the vehicle has been in inoperable condition for 15 days or more, or the vehicle has not been successfully repaired after three attempts.

Once these three parameters have been met, you may have a case on your hands. At this point, you have the right to notify the manufacturer that they have one last chance to repair the vehicle. This notification is best done in writing.

If the repair still isn’t made within 10 days of serving the notification, then you have the right to demand a refund or a new car.

If you need an attorney that can help you navigate Mississippi lemon laws, call Krohn & Moss Ltd. Consumer Law Center, or visit us online.

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