What You Need to Know About Misdemeanor and Criminal Defense in Belivdere

by | Nov 22, 2019 | Lawyers and Law Firms

When a person is either being investigated for a crime or has been placed under arrest in or around Boone County, he or she is likely to feel fright and confusion. If you try to move forward on your case without the benefit of an effective criminal defense attorney in Belvidere, IL, then it’s highly likely that you will make critical mistakes that will be used against you in the future. Rather than giving the police and prosecution evidence that they can use to convict you with, there are important steps that you can take to protect your rights.

Your Right to Remain Silent

Whether you are under investigation or arrest, your admissions, statements and confessions are pivotal parts of any following criminal prosecution. No matter what police tell you, exercise your Fifth Amendment right under the U.S. Constitution to remain silent. The fact that you exercised that right cannot be used against you.

Your Right to an Attorney

The Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution gives you the right to an attorney in any criminal prosecution. Once you have invoked your right to remain silent, you also need to invoke your right to an attorney. You should persist in your right to remain silent until you can consult with a qualified criminal defense attorney in Belvidere, IL. The fact that you did so cannot be used against you either.

Always remember that the prosecution has the burden of proving you guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Hold it to that burden and don’t give it the evidence that it needs to obtain a conviction in what might be an otherwise weak case.

If you believe that you’re under investigation for a crime or you have already been taken into custody, contact a criminal defense attorney in Belvidere, IL, at the Crosby Law Firm right away by calling 815-397-2006. You can also use our online contact form at our website.

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