Defining The Expectations Of A Viable Claim With A Product Liability Attorney In Longview, TX

by | Feb 24, 2016 | Lawyers

In Texas, residents who fall victim to unethical manufacturers could present a claim to the court. This claim explains how they were injured while using a product released to the public. These attempts to acquire compensation must show how the manufacturer is liable and connect the product to their injuries. A Product Liability Attorney in Longview TX could assist these victims in building a viable claim.

Investigating the Error or Flaw

The first objective is to examine the product and test it thoroughly. These examinations determine if the flaw was generated from the design of the product or during the assembly. The tests must show a flaw or error that could produce a consumer-based injury. It should also show that the injuries are a result of using the product as directed by the packaging.

Reviewing the Chain of Possession

The next step is to determine how had possession of the product before it reached the retail store. This could include several workers who had access during the assembly process. It includes the distributor who delivered the product to the retailer. The chain of possession is determines by the documentation for the product as each new individual took possession. All individuals who had possession are investigated to determine the condition of the product when it was transferred to the next party.

Proving Previous Knowledge of the Risk to Consumers

The primary purpose of the claim is to prove that the manufacturer was aware of the risks to consumers. The investigation must show that the flawed design contributed to a faulty product that has existing risks when it was released. This connection makes the manufacturer liable for any injuries produced during the use of the product. It should show that there weren’t labeling on the packaging that warned consumers of any risks associated with the product.

Texas consumers have rights and must enforce these rights by filing a claim. The choice to file a formal claim indicates that the manufacturer was liable for their injuries. The testing must show that the injuries are conducive with the use of the product as directed. Victims who need to hire a Product Liability Attorney in Longview TX should contact ‘Martin Walker today.

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