For those that are consumed by debt and dealing with harassment calls from creditors, the situation can be incredibly overwhelming and stressful. Individuals are often filled with anxiety and may avoid calls from creditors. Tearing up letters they receive from them in...
Adriane Adame
Property Division Law in Allentown, PA Doesn’t Address All the Complicated Questions
Property division law in Allentown, PA sets forth parameters for married couples who are splitting up. Nevertheless, some cases can be very complicated when people have been married a long time and have a lot of assets. They may own two or three real estate parcels,...
How to Classify a High Net Worth Divorce?
High net worth divorces are distinguished by one thing: a huge amount of money or assets, property, businesses and other valuable items. That’s also what makes them more challenging. While most divorces can be emotionally harrowing and difficult, high net worth...
5 Tips on Finding a Wills Lawyer in Topeka, KS
Finding a skilled estate planning attorney may seem daunting. However, with a bit of help, a potential client should be able to find the right legal representation. Below is a list of several resources to help clients find a wills lawyer in Topeka, KS. Ask Friends,...
Hiring A Collaborative Divorce Attorney In Northbrook To Get Fair Compensation
When you think about a divorce, the first image that often pops in your head is a couple that can barely stand to be in the same room together, much less come to a compromise. And while that might still be the case for some, more and more couples are opting for a...