Custody decisions in the state of Illinois are based on the best interest of the child, and typically if there is no history of abuse or neglect, joint custody is often deemed to be the most appropriate solution. State statutes call for consideration of the wishes of...
Adriane Adame
Should You Hire A Social Security Disability Lawyer?
If you are disabled, you have the right to claim benefits from the Social Security Administration. Many people prepare the initial claim by themselves, but most claimants that are denied benefits will turn to a Social Security attorney in Orange to help with the...
FAQS SSDI Lawyers in Wisconsin Rapids, WI Can Answer
In Wisconsin, workers who become disabled need a method of supporting themselves financially. Among their options is to acquire SSDI benefits through the Social Security Administration. The payments are presented each month to eligible parties. SSDI lawyers in...
Common Questions a Law Firm Can Answer About Divorce Cases
In Maryland, couples file a petition through the court to end their marriage, and they can make their own decisions about these proceedings. In fact, when couples can agree to the terms, the process becomes simple, and they can get the divorce finalized quickly. A law...
Do You Need DUI Lawyers in Grand Forks, ND?
There are several different ways that you can be charged with DUI. The obvious way is to drink alcohol to excess and then get behind the wheel of a car. However, there are other cases in which you might be charged with DUI. For example, you can be charged without a...