Auto Accident Injury Attorneys in Dayton, OH Tells Clients What They Should Know

by | Dec 27, 2016 | Accident Attorney

Chances are that any driver on the highway can be involved in a traffic accident at any moment. These accidents occur every day, throughout the day, and in just about every state in the United States. If a person gets in an automobile accident in Ohio, he or she may wonder what to do next if hurt in the accident. Getting injured in an auto accident through someone else’s fault can lead to the filing of a personal injury lawsuit. There are auto accident injury attorneys in Dayton OH who help clients with these kind of cases all the time. These are some things the injured party should know.

In any personal injury case, there is a time frame called the statute of limitations. This is the time an individual is given to file a lawsuit in a civil court of law. In Ohio, that time frame is two years. If the injured party fails to get the lawsuit filed within that time frame, he or she will lose any opportunity to receive damages from the case. However, this has no bearing on the injured party filing a claim with the insurance company.

Another thing to be aware of is that Ohio employs a comparative fault rule. The important thing to understand about this rule is that if the injured party can be found partly at fault for the accident, the amount of damages to be received will be reduced by the percentage the injured party is found to be at fault. Unfortunately, if the injured party is found to be more than 50 percent at fault, no damages will be awarded.

To help ensure that the injured party gets all that is entitled to, it would be wise to hire an experienced attorney in personal injury cases. Thorson, Switala, Mondock, Snead are attorneys who help clients resolve their auto accident injuries in the Dayton, Ohio area for many years. In addition to automobile accidents, they also practice in the areas of family law, DUI law and criminal law. If any parties are looking for Auto Accident Injury Attorneys in Dayton OH, they are available. Visit Website Domain for more information.

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