An Auto Accident Lawyer In Gig Harbor Will Be Dedicated To Your Case

by | Oct 23, 2017 | Accident Attorney

Have you been injured in an automobile accident that wasn’t your fault? Serious injuries can send an individual into a financial crisis if they don’t receive the legal help they need from an Auto Accident Lawyer in Gig Harbor. An insurance company has many attorneys working on their behalf, and a victim can feel overwhelmed when an adjustor is repeatedly calling them. The insurance company will continue to call on a regular basis to try to force a victim to settle as quickly as possible. The insurance company already knows a lot about an individual and will use everything they know in an attempt to get a quick settlement.

Does The Insurance Company Have To Settle?

The insurance company will only want to settle quickly if a victim has serious injuries that could cost them a lot of money if it the case went to trial. If an individual doesn’t file a claim within the statute of limitations, they could lose all rights to ever receiving money from a negligent driver. An Auto Accident Lawyer in Gig Harbor will immediately begin negotiating with an insurance company and supply them with the necessary notices to start a claim or lawsuit.

How Much Will An Auto Accident Attorney Charge?

An auto accident attorney will not receive any money unless they win a case for the victim. The victim never has to make weekly or monthly payments and can focus on recovering from their injuries. The attorney will also provide a victim with a free, no-obligation appointment to discuss their case.

An Injured Victim Passed Away

When an individual passes away because of the injuries they received, an auto accident attorney can file a wrongful death lawsuit against the insurance company. In most cases, the executor, spouse, parent, or child can file the claim with the help of an experienced attorney. Any settlement that is received is usually dispersed to the estate.

Don’t suffer alone after a personal injury from an automobile, dog bite, slip and fall, or premises liability accident has happened. You might be entitled to compensation for loss of wages, payment of medical bills, pain and suffering, and much more. Click here for additional information.

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