How Will An Attorney Defend A Client During A Criminal Law Case?

by | Sep 26, 2016 | Criminal Lawyer

Being charged with a felony is not something to take lightly. The defendant knows the charges are not valid, but it pays to not assume the truth will come out without any help. The best move is to find an attorney who can take on the criminal law case and ensure the rights of the client are protected. Here are some of the ways that the attorney will go about mounting a defense.

Evaluating the Evidence

Before the attorney can begin to prepare the defense, it’s necessary to take a good look at the evidence that led to the charge in the first place. The goal is to determine if the evidence is on solid ground or if there are some questions that need to be answered. During this process, the attorney will spend a lot of time with the client. That makes it easier to discuss the nature of the evidence and see how the experiences of the client confirm or contradict certain points.

Advising the Client

Between the time the attorney accepts the criminal law case and the first session in court, there’s a lot of work to be done. That leaves no time for the client to take any action that could be used as grounds to revoke the bail. To that end, the attorney will recommend that the client observes any limitations on travel that the court sets as terms for the bond. Depending on the nature of the charges, the attorney may encourage the client to avoid being seen at certain places or keeping company with specific individuals. These steps are often necessary to ensure additional complications don’t arise.

Preparing a List of Witnesses for the Defense

Arranging for those who have some knowledge of the events under scrutiny to be prepared to testify will be part of the preparation. In the best-case scenario, the information they have to share will create some doubt as to the validity of the charges.

If any type of criminal charge is pending, now is the time to take action. Call P. Scott De Bruin today and arrange to retain legal counsel. Doing so paves the way for ensuring that the client is treated fairly before, during, and after the trial. You can also follow them on Twitter for more information.

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