Rental Claims in Greenfield MA Can Potentially Make Landlords Responsible

by | Feb 23, 2016 | Lawyers

Has a tenant left a disaster behind in their wake? There is something especially appealing about managing a few properties and having tenants cover the costs (and more) on a monthly basis. But, when any issue arises, things can get ugly. When it comes to people building a home, making connections, and trading money, simple Rental Claims in Greenfield MA can become unnecessarily convoluted. The team at Daniel and Fontaine LLC has just about seen it all. The responsibility of safeguarding is gray. It may seem like it is the sole responsibility of the individuals living in the home, but it is not always so cut-and-dry.

The responsibility can potentially be shared between the tenants and the home-owners. So what can landlords do to make sure they are properly covered when Rental Claims in Greenfield MA come up with their properties? The best answer is representation.

A legal representative can confirm exactly how and when a property owner may be liable. Here is one common example. Tenants have the right to have their property protected by basic means. This would include a door that locks and windows that are not cracked. The screens must cover the windows in some areas. These are essentials of home protection in most states.

These are the basic safeguards that landlords are responsible for. If there was a break-in, the insurance company will quickly ask how. The burglar may have entered through a cracked window that is left exposed. It could be as simple as entering through the front door because it did not have a proper lock.

Either of these scenarios will place the landlord right in the fray of responsibility. The situation, once seen as the responsibility of the tenants, can be twisted around with immediacy.

The best thing a landlord can do, beyond find representative and a great insurance company, is to confirm that the property they are renting is policed and maintained. Contact the local rental representative to receive a free consultation. The responsibility in a burglary can vary, and no one is clearly in the wrong (or right) until a legal professional assesses the often murky scenario. You can also visit them on Twitter for more information.

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