Reviewing Penalties with a DWI Lawyer in Worcester County, MD

by | Jul 19, 2018 | Lawyers

In Maryland, driving while intoxicated charges are applied when a driver has a blood-alcohol content reading of 0.07%. The lesser charge is enforced to prevent impaired driving that could lead to auto accidents and serious injuries. The state can apply the charge to any driver who fails chemical testing. A DWI lawyer in Worcester County, MD reviews the penalties with defendants facing the offenses.

Reviewing Penalties for DWI

The first conviction leads to a maximum driver’s license suspension of six months. The fine for the first conviction is $500. The driver could face up to two months in the county jail. They will also receive eight points on their driver’s license.

The second conviction leads to a maximum driver’s license suspension of one year. The fine for the offense is $500. The driver faces a maximum of one year in the county jail. They will also receive eight points on their driver’s license.

Aggravated DWI is applied if the drunk driver has any minor children in the vehicle when they are arrested. The charge could apply if the driver causes an auto accident with injuries.

Refusing to Submit and Failing a Chemical Test

Administrative penalties apply in the state of Maryland. If the driver refuses to submit to testing, they face a 270-day suspension for the first conviction and two years for the second. If the driver fails the chemical test, the state can apply a 180-day driver’s license suspension for the first and second convictions. An Ocean City Lawyer could help the defendant build a defense to fight a conviction and avoid additional penalties.

What Are the Stipulations for Ignition Interlocking Devices?

The state can impose the installation of an ignition interlocking device at any time. The state requires the driver to visit an approved dealer to install the device. The driver is required to pay the full cost of the installation and any fees related to monitoring the device while it is installed.

In Maryland, drivers who are arrested for a DWI could face serious penalties. While the offense isn’t as severe as a DUI, it does lead to serious penalties including jail time, fines, and driver’s license suspensions. Individuals facing these types of charges are encouraged to contact a DWI lawyer in Worcester County, MD.

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