Securing Your Disability Benefits When You Live in North Carolina

by | Nov 23, 2021 | Law Firm

The hardest thing about getting Social Security disability benefits is getting the Social Security Administration to approve you. It doesn’t matter where you live, the problem is the same. Social Security doesn’t want to approve anyone’s benefits because it means a decrease in the SSA treasury. They are also trying to protect the fund against fraud. While both of these reasons are understandable from the government’s point of view, they make zero sense when applying for benefits with a legitimate disability. If you live in Greensboro, North Carolina, here’s how you can finally get approved for your benefits.

Hire Disability Lawyers in Greensboro, NC

In truth, the fastest and most efficient way you can really get approved for disability benefits from Social Security is to hire a lawyer. Disability lawyers in Greensboro, NC, cut through the quagmire of paperwork and requirements and get to the root of the approval problem. Where your benefits might stall or stagnate in processing because of a missing document, lawyers push through by ensuring that all of your documents and your ducks are in a row.

Everyone Is Initially Denied

If you try applying for SSA disability benefits by yourself, you will be denied several times before you either give up or you’re approved. The SSA is counting on the former because they don’t want to approve you. With a lawyer’s help, you have a greater chance of being approved the first time, or on appeal. To know more please visit Collins Price, PLLC today.

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