Why a Truck Accident Lawsuit in Philadelphia May Protect Other Drivers

by | Nov 16, 2016 | Accident Attorney

No one enjoys seeing an 18-wheeler closing in behind them on the roadway. These massive vehicles dwarf everything else on the road and many of the drivers are in too much of a hurry to worry about others in their path. Accidents between passenger vehicles and commercial trucks are common, and too often they are preventable. The are many reasons why people should always follow through with a Truck Accident Lawsuit in Philadelphia.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration performed an exhaustive study of crashes involving large trucks around the country. Their analysis determined that in just over 50 percent of the crashes the accidents were caused by truck drivers that were either speeding, tired or under the influence of either legal or illegal drugs. That does not include the percentage that were feeling pressured by employers to hurry, that were distracted and the ones that performed an illegal maneuver that led to the accident. This irresponsibility causes numerous problems for the innocent drivers and passengers they hit.

  • Death and serious injury are common for the people in the passenger vehicle.
  • The vehicles and personal property in the vehicle are almost always a total loss.
  • Many victims suffer a form of PTSD and find it challenging to drive in traffic again, especially around large trucks.
  • People suddenly have numerous medical, automotive and even funeral costs. Many lose significant time at work or unable to return to their previous careers.
  • Personal lives suffer because of the pain and stress the family endures.

Trucking companies that frequently attempt to skirt laws, fail to maintain their vehicles and hire unprofessional drivers need to pay for the damage they cause. They keep law firms on their payroll in an attempt to prevent any expense or negative attention towards them following an accident. Victims that do not speak up and demand justice are helping these companies to continue with this practice. Keeping them from harming others will only be successful by making them take responsibility for their actions. Visit Website Domain to learn more and to find out how to get a fair amount of compensation with a Truck Accident Lawsuit in Philadelphia.

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