When Should Workers’ Compensation Attorneys in Upper Marlboro, MD Be Hired

by | Jul 19, 2018 | Legal Services

Individuals are injured on the job every day. Some handle these claims quickly and easily, but others seem to drag their feet. Some wonder if they should contact workers’ compensation attorneys in Upper Marlboro, MD. Presented here are certain situations when an attorney should be promptly if a worker has been injured.

A Delay in Benefit Payments

Employers and their workers’ compensation insurance carriers often reject claims made by employees as they hope the employee will choose not to file an appeal. They are correct in this assumption, as many employees choose not to pursue the matter. There is no money required when hiring an attorney to represent an employee in this matter unless the case is won, which is why many people choose to obtain this help immediately. They understand doing so will increase the odds of timely payments and a fair settlement.

An Inadequate Settlement

Another tactic used by workers’ compensation insurance carriers involves offering a lower settlement than the employee is entitled to. The carrier does this believing many injured workers will take the settlement simply to catch up on their bills. While the settlement must be approved by a judge, most judges sign these agreements unless they are grossly unfair. The injured employee cannot count on the court system to ensure they are protected.

Retaliation on the Part of the Employer

Some employers try to retaliate against workers who file this type of claim. The employer may cut the employee’s hours or pay, they could fire the employee who filed the claim or demote this individual. Discrimination in this situation is not allowed, and the attorney works to protect the rights of the employee.

If you find your company or its workers’ compensation insurance carrier is using one of these tactics, contact workers’ compensation attorneys in Upper Marlboro, MD today. Employers must ensure their workers remain safe while on the job; failure to do so leaves them liable for any injuries sustained by the employees. Visit website domain to learn more about your rights and responsibilities at this time. This firm will be of great help as you move forward with your claim.

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